“Great days lie behind us. In Debrecen, in Calvinist Rome, theologians from all over Europe came together to discuss the consequences, realisations, and possibilities of the Leuenberg Agreement. The Leuenberg Agreement is not just any ecumenical dialogue result: no: it creates a new reality: church communion. Churches can remain independent and understand themselves as part of the one Church of Jesus Christ. With what happened on Leuenberg fifty years ago in these days of March, centuries-old inner-Protestant struggles were overcome, and church communion was created. So, it is only right that we celebrate this communion not only in theological reflection but also in the common celebration of worship. For therein beats the heart of our communion: that we are united at the table of the Lord.”
Kirchengemeinschaft wahrnehmen. Projekt und Prozess
God of the Gospel, God of the Church: The Protestant Question of Divine Agency in the Life of the Church
God of visible unity, Church of the people of God: A response to Tom Greggs
Gemeinsames Verständnis und Gemeinsames Verstehen
Das gemeinsame Verständnis des Evangeliums und die Rechtfertigungslehre
Alle an einen Tisch. Der Beitrag der ökumenischen Gemeinschaft zu Frieden und Versöhnung in Europa
Kálvin tér 16.,
+36 52 518 502 - Ms Szilágyiné Asztalos Éva (RTUD)
asztalos.eva@drhe.hu - Ms Szilágyiné Asztalos Éva (RTUD)